North American Flags North American Saddle Mule Association

 NASMDA Director Nomination Form

We are looking for individuals who -
  • have been a NASMDA member for at least a year
  • will represent members of NASMDA in matters pertaining to business, property and activities of the Association
  • will be active and represent NASMDA in state/provinces NASMDA associations, be visible and available to members
  • will promote NASMDA programs and memberships on a constant basis through contact with individuals and groups
  • will be active in NASMDA through attendance and/or participation at events or in areas of interest to saddle mules
  • will assist in providing beneficial service for NASMDA members
  • will serve as a positive communication link between NASMDA and its members
  • will initiate communication with NASMDA officers regarding constituents' issues
  • will actively participate on the standing committee to which he/she accepts an appointed
  • will attend Board of Director meetings and the annual membership meeting

If you should decide to nominate someone from your zone, you might reference the by laws below pertaining to Election of Directors.  You may only nominate within your zone.


Section I. The business and property of the Associ­ation shall be managed and controlled by the Board of Directors, and an Executive Committee hereinafter created and empowered. The By-Laws and rules affecting the exhibition of Saddle Mulesand Donkeys and the Awards Program shall be subject to change only by the Board of Directors.

Election of Directors

A. The Association shall have 24 elected directors, 3 from each of the designated zones.
B. Each director elected to represent a representative zone shall be domiciled in the district which he represents by actual residence therein, having the intent to make it his permanent home. To be eligible for election to and serve on the Board of Directors, an individual must be a member in good stand­ing of the Association for one year prior to the nomination.
C. Each director is elected for a three year term. Terms are staggered so that only 1/3 of the directors are replaced each year.
D. Should the need arise for a different allocation of rep­resenta­tives per zone; reallocations will be made at the annual meeting.
E. Each membership in good standing as of Jan 1 of the year i­mmediate­ly preceding the election year, shall receive a ballot for their representative zone and shall be entitled to one vote.
F. The term "representative zone" shall be defined as:

Zone 1: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon & Wash­ington
Zone 2: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, & Utah
Zone 3: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, & Wyoming
Zone 4: New Mexico, Oklahoma, & Texas
Zone 5: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin
Zone 6: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee
Zone 7: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Co­lumbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Zone 8: Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina
Zone 9: Canada

Nominees Name Membership # Zone

Your Name Your NASMDA # Your Zone


Your Email: 

Mail to:
Terri Hurley
Nominating Committee Chair
74713 290th St
Grand Meadow, MN 55936


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