Farm Name Application

Registering your farm name with NASMDA ensures that only you can authorize the use of the prefix related to your farm in front of the animal’s name of your choosing. No one else can use your prefix without your written permission, as indicated with your signature and as registered with NASMDA. If you authorize your prefix to be used before the names of foals or mules/hinnies or donkeys you sell, you must indicate so on the registration application by your signature in the appropriate place.

NASMDA LogoFarm name registration gives you control over who and when your prefix is used and protects you from the fraudulent use of your prefix on animals of which you have no knowledge and of which you do not want to imply endorsement.

NASMDA will not allow sound-alike farm names that are spelled differently. The first farm name registration with fees received will be registered and no subsequent sound-alike names will be allowed. NASMDA will refuse to accept registered name applications that contain your farm’s prefix without your signature as indication of authorization.

One Time Fee for Farm Name Registration is $10.
Please PRINT out this form, PRINT or type your information, and mail the following form to:
NASMDA, 7787 SW Regional Airport Blvd, Bentonville, AR 72713  Email:
Make checks payable to:
North American Saddle Mule & Donkey Association

Farm Prefix to be used (not to exceed twenty—20—characters)
Farm Name:
City, State Zip: 
Home Phone:   Work:   Other:
Email:  Fax:  
Web Site:  

Signature & Date:  _____________________________________________________