The North American Saddle Mule & Donkey Association

Judges Application Reference Letter


To be copied and sent (or this link "forwarded") to each of your references, for them to fill out and mail directly to:


NASMDA Judges Committee, Dianna Watson
PO Box 324, Cave Springs, AR 72718
479-721-3969 or 749-644-1930

City & State


Designation as an approved NASMDA judge is a privilege only, not a right, bestowed by the judges committee of NASMDA to individuals whose equine expertise and personal character merit the honor. An individual’s conduct as a member, exhibitor, and judge, and his ability must be exemplary.

There are currently over 40 NASMDA approved events which NASMDA judges may be asked to judge, so a broad background in Halter, Western, Cattle, Hunter, English and Driving events is needed.

I understand the above name applicant is applying for approval as a NASMDA judge. I am aware of the seriousness of this position and that being a NASMA judge requires integrity and character, as well as equine knowledge and expertise. With this in mind, I submit the following information for your review regarding this applicant.
How do you know the applicant?
Have you personally observed this person judge a show? YesNo
Have you judged with this personYesNo
Did you think this person did a good job judging? YesNo
Would you show to this person?YesNo
Would you hire this person to judge a show for you? YesNo
How long have you known the applicant?
Is the applicant related to you? YesNo
Has the applicant ever trained/shown for you?YesNo
Please state your opinion of the applicant’s area of expertise:
Please state your opinion of the applicant’s areas of weakness:
Do you hold judging status with any equine organization? YesNo. If yes, please list.

Please indicate your involvement with horses and/or mules.
Have you hired this person to judge a show for you?YesNo
If yes: When?    Where?   # of entries?
Knowledge of Applicant’s Expertise In Equines (Please mark correct category for applicant’s expertise)
Western Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Cattle Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
English Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Halter Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
English Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Driving Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Gaited Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Ranch Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Dressage Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Knowledge of Applicant’s Judging Experience and Ability (Please mark correct category for applicant’s expertise)
Western Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Cattle Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
English Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Halter Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
English Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Driving Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Gaited Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Ranch Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Dressage Classes Superior Good Average Fair Poor No Opinion
Any additional comments about this applicant?
Please PRINT or type your name

Signed: Date:
City, State Zip

This is a confidential report that must be filled out and sent directly to NASMDA,
by the person signing this letter