• Registration Fees must accompany application
• Application must be complete
• One photocopy of each parent’s registration if registered in
another association
• Four good quality, clear color photos showing
the animal to be registered from each side, front, and rear,
without tack. Photos no larger than 3-1/2” x 5”. If
animal has brand, close-up photo of brand must accompany
• Each animal offered for registration must be given a name
acceptable to NASMA, not exceeding 25 letters including
spaces, and must not conflict with any other registered NASMA
• Print or type all information on this form. Any erasures or
alteration on this form may necessitate verification or a new
• All junior animals (5 years and under) must have either a
mouthing certificate or breeders certificate.
Death of a Registered Animal
When any registered animal dies or is disposed of, the owner
shall notify NASMDA and surrender the registration certificate
to NASMDA for such notation. The registration certificate will
be changed to note the animal’s death and returned to said
owner, unless otherwise noted with the registration.
Questions? Terri Hurley, Registrar
Phone: 507-273-1573
If paying for membership with this application, please
complete the Membership Application and include appropriate
Fees |
Registration |
$30 |
Transfer |
$20 |
Correction |
$15 |
Replacement |
$15 |
Rush Fees
– Non-Refundable |
Indicate RUSH
on outside of envelope
Maximum 10 working days to process, add
$25 |
Return of certificate via
USPS Express Mail, add $30 |
Print out, fill in (please type or print) and
return both pages of completed application with all required
information, signatures, and photos and Check payable to
North American Saddle Mule & Donkey Assn to:
NASMDA Registrar
74713 290th St Grand Meadow, MN 55936