North American Flags North American Saddle Mule Association

Legal Update

April 11, 2005

Well, this may "not" be over.

  • Election of Officers at the Shelbyville July 6, 2005 Meeting was illegal (Officers MUST come from the BOD).
  • Special Membership Meeting held in North Carolina October 22, 2005.
  • Neither set of Officers then recognized the other so it went to court January 25, 2006.  This has been expensive.  NOT ONE DIME OF NASMA MONEY HAS BEEN SPENT BY TIM DOUD OR THE NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS.

Court findings:
  • Shelbyville 2005 Meeting did have not a quorum; therefore invalid.
  • Although nearly 30% of the members signed a petition to hold the Special Membership Meeting to elect new officers, the court ruled that all the signatures had to be on one sheet of paper to comply with the language in our By-Laws; therefore invalid.
  • Tim Doud is NASMA's only legally elected Officer.
  • Court then ordered:
    • Tim Doud to hold a meeting with established BOD to elect new Officers (accomplished April 1, 2005).  A quorum was present.
    • Tim Doud then held a "regular" BOD meeting with quorum present to conduct future NASMA business.
What needs to happen now is that the two "sets" need to merge.  NASMA needs to go forward.  Tim Doud (President) has requested.
  • Membership Lists - received on April 7, 2006 a list of names in paper format.  No addresses, zones, numbers, expirations.
  • Judge's List
  • All Archive documents
  • All Cell Phones
  • All Credit cards
  • Lifetime Show Points and software
  • All Show Results
  • Lifetime VTP Hours
  • All correspondence
  • NASMA Monies
  • NASMA check books
  • Treasurer’s records
  • Treasurer’s statements - received this Treasury Report on Feb 13, 2006 for 2005.
  • All records pertaining to registrations
  • All registrations software
  • Registration Paper supplies and Seal.

In short, everything needed to get NASMA back on "business" as usual. 
Except for the two items listed above, the rest cannot be "found".....

As of April 10, 2006 Tim Doud has been notified that he will need to go back to court again in order to complete the plans for the future of NASMA.  NASMA needs to go forward - not backwards.
  • Arbitration in Decatur, TX on May 24, 2006.
  • If a settlement is not reached, another hearing is scheduled for May 25, 2006.
Through some tremendous "volunteer" effort for the membership, you now have:
  • "Volunteer" (unpaid) Officers that are working for you and your mules.
  • Meeting minutes (all) and treasury reports (those available) on-line.
  • Committees that are once again staffed by enthused volunteer members with new thoughts and ideas.
  • A new web site that is being kept current with expanding features.
  • We now offer PayPal for membership convenience.  While PayPal is not a "free" service to NASMA, one impromptu "joiner" makes up for 20 commissions.  Let's increase membership.  This is a win-win situation for all!
  • A membership records database has been developed.  This will provide the basis for members to check their own Standings/Points/VTP hours.  This at no cost to NASMA (therefore no cost to the membership).  This cannot go forward without the existing files.
  • The Rule Book on-line.  At no cost to NASMA.
  • Three new shows.  (Side note:  ALL sanctioned shows should count regardless of which office the Application was submitted to.  All prior shows will count.)
Members SPEAK UP!  
  • We need YOUR opinions.  This is YOUR Association.
  • We need YOU to "check-in".  Regardless of which office your Membership Renewal was submitted to, please send your Name, Address, Membership Number, updated Email address, Amateur Number (if applicable), Expiration Date, Judge Certification Dates (if applicable), VTP membership and Youth Numbers.
  • Once the Registration and Point Records are received, automation could then resume for them. This means that members will be able to check their Yearly Points (and Standings) on-line. Potential buyers of NASMA point earning mules and donkeys could verify Points on-line.

Please send your comments and Check-In information!
We do plan on doing a Mass Mail-out to members not responding or without email addresses.


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