Operating Procedures Approved by the Board of Directors on April 1, 2006
Purpose and Use: These procedures and policies shall guide the processes and
decisions of the Board of Directors of the NORTH AMERICAN SADDLE
MULE ASSOCIATION, Inc. and shall be in effect until such time that
they are amended by an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority in
any duly called meeting of the Board of Directors where a quorum is
present.Duties of the Standing
Committees |
SOP - Amateur Committee:
- Shall consist of an odd number of members to be determined by
the Chair and not less than three
Association members in good standing.
- Shall function within the scope of the By-Laws of this
- All committee meetings shall be conducted according to Article
VII of these By-Laws.
- Official business may not be conducted at Committee meetings
unless a quorum is present.
- A Committee Meeting quorum shall consist of the chairman and a
majority of its members present.
- All committee Chairmen shall submit a budget for the net
fiscal year at the Annual Meeting for approval by the Board of
Directors. The budgets once approved, cannot exceed the total
amount set forth by more than ten percent without a majority vote
of the Executive Committee. The chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
of each committee shall be appointed annually by the President and
a listing of all committee members shall be published in the mule
publications as soon as possible after the annual meeting. The
chairperson shall only vote in case of a tie.
- The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Seventy-fifth
Anniversary Edition, or any subsequent edition, shall govern this
association and its various bodies in all cases to which they are
applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the
Constitution of By-Laws or Special Rules of Order of this
- The order of business of any meeting of this Association or
its various bodies shall be:
- Call to order
- Roll call of voting members
- Ascertainment of quorum
- Reading of the minutes of previous meeting & approved
- Report of the Secretary-Treasurer
- Report of Special Committees
- Reading of communications
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
- Shall meet at least three times a year.
- This Committee will receive, review and approve applicants for
NASMA Amateur status adhering to the rules outlined in Section
147, E.
- Committee shall verify,
- The applicant has not shown, trained or assisted in training
a horse/mule/donkey for remuneration, either directly or
indirectly nor
- Received compensation for instructing another person riding,
driving training or showing a horse/mule/donkey for five years
previous to application for NASMA Amateur membership.
- Donkey/mule to be shown in a NASMA Amateur event is owned by
the Amateur.
- Committee will assign Amateur numbers and Amateur Cards to
eligible applicants.
- Committee will receive protests or complaints concerning
Amateur status and turn such complaints over to the Grievance
Committee for review and action.
- Committee will inform the Amateur about which the protest
was filed the verdict of the Grievance Committee and the
subsequent Board of Directors decision.
SOP - By-Laws Committee:
(A-H above apply)
- Shall meet at least three times a year.
- This Committee, chaired by the President Elect and adhering to
the rules in Article VII of the NASMA By-laws, will receive,
review and publish on the Official NASMA Website proposed By-law
changes before submitting changes to the Board of Directors for
SOP - General Show and Contest Rules
Committee: (A-H above apply)
- This committee has no authority to amend, change, add or
rewrite any By-law of this Association.
- This committee will:
- Submit a budget to the Board of Directors;
- Suggest the calendar for revising the General Show and
Contest Rules to the Board of Directors;
- Preside over the printing of the hard copy of the rule book
and the publication of the rule book on the web.
- Adhering to the rules and procedure in Section 102 of the
NASMA Official Handbook, will receive, review, and publish on
the Official NASMA Website proposed Rule Changes 60 days before
submitting changes to the Board of Directors for approval.
- Chairman
- Chairman will receive from members, committees and judges
suggested rule changes containing:
- Name of submitter
- Existing Rule Number and Page# in current Rule Book
- Related rule numbers affected by this proposed rule change
- Recommendations for Change (Recommendation should be
written as it might appear in the Rule Book)
- Justification for rule change
- Impact if rule is NOT changed
- Chairman will disseminate rule change submissions to
committee members for review individually
- Chairman will call a meeting of the Committee, adhering to
meeting requirements stated in the NASMA By-Laws, to review and,
if needed, make suggested changes to submissions making sure the
intent of the submission is not compromised and following the
format of the rule book.
- Chairman will:
- Contact the submitter for any clarification of meaning or
- if there is a re-write of the rule change submission,
return the rule to the submitter
- or approval of language and explaining reasons for changes
and requesting the submitter endorse the changes;
- if the Committee rejects the rule change submission,
contact the submitter explaining the reason for the rejection;
- Chairman will return endorsed rule changes to the Committee.
- 60 days prior to submitting changes to the Board of
Directors for approval, in order to allow members to review and
discuss changes with their Zone Directors, the Committee will
publish on the NASMA website proposed rule changes in the exact
wording and form in which they will be submitted to the Board
with the following information
- Existing Rule Number and Page# in current Rule Book
- Related rule numbers affected by this proposed rule change
- Recommendations for Change (Recommendation should be
written as it might appear in the Rule Book)
- Justification for rule change
- Impact if rule is NOT changed
- The General Show and Contest Rules Committee will notify the
Board of Directors through the chairman 30 days prior to any
meeting at which changes will be submitted for their approval
which changes they will be asked to vote on.
- Present rule changes at Board of Directors meeting for
- If changes are approved by the Board, Committee incorporates
them into next Handbook.
- If changes are not approved by the Board, Committee returns
them to submitters to either resubmit or let die.
- If the proposed rule change brought out of committee by
petition as outlined in the By-Laws, the Chairperson will the read
the proposed Rule Book Change in the committee report to the next
Board of Directors Meeting.
- The Rule Book Change is thus on the floor and subject to
amendment by a member of the Board of Directors.
- However, any amendment must be closely related to or have
bearing on the Rule Book Change.
- The priority of any amendment will be decided by the
Presiding Officer or Parliamentarian. If a motion for amendment
is received and seconded, the amendment must be voted on at this
SOP - The Grievance Committee
above apply)
- This Committee will design and develop a form for submitting
- A NASMA form for filing protests accompanied by proper
documentation, should be filed the understanding of the protestor
- He will not approach or call anyone else about the situation,
- if any of the information is missing, the protest is null
and void,
- There will be no re-submitting of this protest and the fee
is forfeited.
- A check sheet of all documentation required will be included
with the form, and it should be signed by the protestor before
submitting it to the Grievance Committee, by certified mail,
return-receipt requested.
- The Grievance Committee shall have sole authority to
investigate possible or alleged violations of any by law, rule or
regulation of the Association. The Grievance Committee will gather
all needed information, the $100.00 protest fee, and substantiate
the need for further investigation, and then will transfer the
documentation to the Board of Directors with no names mentioned.
- If a member of the Grievance Committee is involved in any
protest, she/he should be removed from the voting procedure;
- If more members of the a Grievance Committee are involved,
alternate members should be appointed by the Chair
to serve temporarily on the Grievance Committee.
- All grievances are to go to the Chairman of the Grievance
Committee. The Chairman of the Grievance Committee will make the
grievance anonymous before submitting it to the Grievance
Committee for vote. i.e. “A” files a grievance against “B”,
complete with a check list, and submits it to the Chairman of
the Grievance Committee. The Chairman of the Grievance Committee
confirms the checklist is complete, and the fee has been
received. The Chairman of the Grievance Committee notifies “B”
without naming “A” and asks for response/defense within 14 days
from confirmed receipt of notification. Then the grievance and
defense are submitted to the Grievance Committee for
determination within 21 days of confirmed receipt.
- Disciplinary sessions may be called in the manner prescribed
in the North American Saddle Mule Association, Inc. By-Laws and
the Order of Business shall be as follows:
- 1. Call To Order (President)
- Roll Call taken to establish a quorum. (Secretary)
- Announcement of Closed, Special Session & Obligations of
Secretary (President)
- Explanation of Procedure & Order of Business
- Reading of Citation from Minutes (Secretary)
- Presentation of Citation Letter & Receipt to Chair
- Inquiry As To Council for Accused – Appoint if Needed
- Reading of Charges & Specifications (Secretary)
- Plea for Each Specification & Charge (Accused)
- If Guilty Plea, Skip to #14, Otherwise-
- Statement from NASMA (Chair of the Grievance Committee)
- Statement from Accused
- NASMA Questions Accused & Witnesses & Presents Case (Chair
of the Grievance Committee)
- Representation for the Accused Questions Witnesses &
Presents Defense
- Debate (Board of Directors)
- President Puts Forth the Question, “Is Mr./Mrs/Ms XXXXX
guilty of the specifications and charges brought against him?”
- Vote (each charge separately)
- If Protest Held Up by Board of Directors’ Vote
- Penalty Recommendations outlined in NASMA By-Laws (NASMA
Chair of the Grievance Committee)
- Penalty Debate (Board of Directors)
- Vote on Penalty
- Verdict of the Board
- Adjourn
SOP - Hall of Fame Committee:
above apply) |
Approved by the Board of
Directors on March 19, 2012 |
- Shall meet as required based on receipt
of a Nomination.
- This Committee will establish and
publish on the Official NASMA Website
criteria to be met in order to be eligible
for NASMA's Hall of Fame.
- This Committee will:
- Acknowledge receipt of
Nomination to the submitter.
- Verify registration, owner
membership and any statistics contained
within the nomination based on the
published criteria.
- Establish annually a cut-off date
for Nominations 12 weeks prior to the
Annual Meeting to allow for validation,
BOD voting and the 60 day announcement.
- The Hall of Fame will induct a maximum
of 2 mules and 2 donkeys a year. Top 2
mules and top 2 donkeys to be determined by
the BOD. All animals submitted to the BOD
will have been pre-screened for
- This Committee will maintain a list of
current NASMA Hall of Fame inductees. This
list will be published on the website.
- Eligible Nominations that were not
chosen by the BOD may be submitted the
following year.
SOP - Judges Committee:
above apply) |
Approved by the Board of
Directors on January 29, 2012 |
- Shall meet at least three times a year.
- This Committee will establish and
publish on the Official NASMA Website
criteria to be met in order to become a
NASMA carded Judge and the forms to be
filled out.
- Fill out Judges Application
- Provide References
- Pay Judges Application Fee
- Provide a full length photograph
- This Committee will maintain a list of
current NASMA Judges in good standing with
contact information. This list will be
published on the website.
- This Committee will receive, review and
act upon Judge’s Evaluations received from
NASMA judges, Show Managers and NASMA
exhibitors participating in the show about
which the evaluation is made. These
evaluations must be in writing, signed by
the complainant, outline the alleged rule
violation , with date and show, within 30
days of show.
- Positive Evaluations will be
reviewed by the Chairman and placed in
the Judges File.
- Negative Evaluations
- Will be reviewed by the Chairman
- Upon receiving three negative
evaluations concerning the same
complaint in one show by NASMA
judges, Show Managers and NASMA
exhibitors participating in the
show, the Chairman will hold a
Committee meeting in regard to these
- The Committee will review the
complaints in order to determine if
these complaints merit a warning.
- If the Committee votes these
complaints merit a warning, the
Chairman will contact the judge in
order to remedy the situation.
- If the judge must receive a
warning, the Chairman will provide
the Board of Directors a copy of the
warning and the complaints received
which led to the warning.
- The Committee cannot make
negative complaints public.
- This Committee will automatically review
a NASMA Judge’s status every three years
based on
- Test score of current rule book
- Complaints
- If the review determines the judge
no longer meets the criteria for a NASMA
Judge they may be rejected for
re-certification with the approval of
the Board of Directors.
SOP - Nominating Committee:
(A-H above apply)
- Shall meet at least three times a year.
- National Directors Nominating Committee shall provide
nomination forms to members.
- The Committee shall accept nominations from the membership
until February 15 of the election year and check each nomination
- To be eligible, each individual nominated shall be
- a bona fide resident of his representative zone,
- a current NASMA member in good standing for one year, and
- Nominated to the Committee by five constituents from his
- There may be only one director/alternate elected per
- The Nominating Committee shall prepare a ballot for each
representative zone using qualified recommendations of the
Regional Clubs, its own nominations and individual nominations
accompanied by the appropriate five member's signatures.
- The Committee will determine election procedures to be
followed and design a ballot explaining those procedures for
members to participate in the election.
- Ballots must provide a deadline date
- Ballots may be returned to an independent party for
- Ballots must explain how many vacancies to be filled are in
each zone
- Ballots must explain cause for disqualification of returned
- After February 15 of the elections year, the national
Directors Nominating Committee shall mail the ballot of each
Representative Area to all of the members of such Representative
- The Nominating Committee will
- receive ballots according to election procedures;
- Tabulate the votes according to the nominees receiving the
highest number of votes on the ballot will be named Director(s).
The individual receiving the next highest number of votes will
be named Alternate.
- Results of elections shall be announced no later than thirty
(30) days after election.
- The Committee will announce make and publicly announce its
nominations for the Executive Committee to be elected by the Board
of Directors at the next Annual Meeting 30 days before the
- President – to be nominated from elected Board of Directors
- President Elect – to be nominated from the
current Executive Board
- Vice President – to be nominated from elected Board of
- Treasurer – to be nominated from elected Board of Directors
SOP - Promotion Committee:
(A-H above apply) |
Approved by the Board of
Directors on July 8, 2009 |
- In order to attract new members and recognition of the
goals of NASMA, the purpose of the Promotion Committee is
- to increase the recognition of NASMA and further the
recognition of the NASMA as the North American and international
resource for information about the use of mules and donkeys in
the areas of equine ownership, competition and leisure
- to carry on a continuing and sustainable program of
advertising and promotional activities designed to make known
the advantages of NASMA membership to those enthusiasts in the
areas of equine ownership, competition and leisure activities;
- The duties of the Promotion Committee shall be the general
promotion and publicity for the Association in the effort to
attract new members including the following:
- The Committee shall determine priorities and develop and
maintain a marketing plan; shall propose a budget to spend its
annual allocation of funds that will best accomplish the goals
of the marketing plan; and shall be responsible for the
implementation of projects.
- The Committee shall publicize the Association and its news
through the media including newspapers, radio, cable, television
and the web.
- The Committee shall prepare radio and television spot
announcements and assure that these are distributed to the
appropriate individuals and radio or television stations.
- The Committee shall develop posters or publicity materials
and distribute information for maximum exposure of the
- The Committee shall generally publicize the Association,
membership and events.
SOP - Scholarship Committee:
(A-H above apply)
- Shall meet at least three times a year.
- This Committee will
- Receive, review and approve applicants for NASMA for the
annual award of two $500 scholarships to NASMA seniors in high
school who have met the criteria and will be continuing their
- Recommend the names of the candidates to receive the
scholarships to the Board of Directors 30 days prior to the
Meeting at which they will approve the award of the scholarships
- To submit to the Official NASMA Website for publication the
names of the scholarship recipients, the school they will be
attending with a short Bio of their activities and honors.
SOP – Show Sanctioning Committee:
(A-H above apply) |
Approved by the Board of
Directors on July 10, 2012 |
- Shall meet at least three times a year.
- Will adhere to the rules and procedure
in Section 113 of the NASMA Official
- Will receive Show Sanction Applications,
review and approve NASMA recognized shows.
- Withholding approval of regional
club-sponsored shows will be in accordance
with rules outlined in this rule book.
- Before sanctioning a show as NASMA
approved, the Committee will ascertain
compliance with the following requirements:
- CHECK LIST: The Chair will provide
the Show Management seeking sanction
with the Show Sanction Check List in
order to facilitate the approval of the
Here is a copy of the Checklist.
- NASMA FEE: The Chair will inform
Show Managers they must collect a NASMA
fee forward to the NASMA office in order
for show results processed, unless
waived by the Board of Directors.
(excluding miniatures and hybrids)
- $2 per every mule and donkey,
not to exceed $10, entered in any
NASMA Single Judged Show.
- $3.00 per mule and donkey, not
to exceed $15.00 for NASMA Multiple
Judged Shows.
Committee will not be grant approval of
a show until a list of classes in
scheduled order for such is show is
received by the NASMA. Once the list is
submitted, the list of classes can be
amended up to 30 days prior to the show
by written notification to NASMA.
will approve on the same dates as
another NASMA approved show if the two
are not located within 250 highway miles
of each other, with the exception of
state, regional and county fairs, and
major livestock shows which may be on
the same as another approved show
despite proximity.
- JUDGES: Only NASMA approved judges
may be hired to judge NASMA approved
shows. The list of NASMA Approved Judges
can be found on the NASMA website.
- DATES: Show applications are
approved based upon the number of the
weekend, not upon the date.
- CANCELLATIONS: Show Management who
cancel their shows dates must notify the
NASMA Performance Division Immediately
so that date can be made available to
another sponsor.
- GOVERNING RULES: The Committee will
monitor the adherence of the Show Manage
to rules as set out in the NASMA rule
book shall be used at all approved
shows, unless otherwise approved by the
Board of Directors of NASMA.
- The schedule of classes and
premium published for any NASMA
approved show shall state "Rules in
accordance with The North American
Saddle Mule Association Rule Book".
- At NASMA approved shows; an
exhibitor must only be required to
participate in classes outlined in
this book in order to be eligible
for any show High Point.
- Any classes popular in that
region of the country, but not
outlined in this rule book may be
offered, but cannot count toward
overall high point tabulations for
that show or for NASMA points.
- PREMIUM LISTS: Show Sanction will
not be awarded until the Show Management
submits a Premium List adhering to these
- The name of the show or contest
may not include words referring to
other breeds, except donkeys, and/or
type of horse. The words "Champion"
and "Championship" must be prefaced
with the name of the specific show
(i.e. "State Fair of Texas
Champion") in order to identify that
this is a local Championship. No
individual or organization may use
the words "NASMA World", "NASMA
National", NASMA Mulearma" or "NASMA
International" Champion" without
written permission of NASMA.
- Premium lists and entry forms
should be printed in order to insure
uniformity. All shows must abide by
the entry fees listed on their
premium unless late fees are
- If money prizes offered, the
fixed amount of each prize shall be
state in the premium list. Special
prizes do not have to appear on the
premium list but is it recommended
because it enhances the
attractiveness of the show or
contest. The show committee is not
required to award any existing
un-won awards.
- The premium list must contain:
1. A list of officers of the show or
contest and the names of the NASMA
Officials. 2. The exact location of the show
must be specified and the date or
dates to be held; also, 3. The closing date of entries and
the exact date and time of judging. 4. The premium list must clearly
state those classes counting toward
All-Around and High Point Awards. At
NASMA approved shows; an exhibitor
must only be required to participate
in classes outlined in this book in
order to be eligible for any show
High Point. Any classes popular in
that region of the country, but not
outlined in this rule book may be
offered, but cannot count toward
overall high point tabulations for
that show or for NASMA points.
- It is not mandatory for an
All-around Mule to be made at an
approved show; however, if such an
award is designated, the following
scoring system shall be used to
determine the winner.
- Mules/donkeys placing in the top
six of the class will be given a
point for each mule placing below
them plus one point not to exceed
six points for first place.
- After ascertaining the Show Management
meets the requirements, the Chairman will
notify Show Management if their show or
contest is sanctioned/approved or what
fact(s) need to be rectified so that the
show or contest may be recognized. If a
certain class is not recognized, it may not
prohibit the recognition of the remaining
- The Committee has the right to deny
sanction to any show reapplying if that show
has not followed these requirements.
SOP - Versatility Trail Program Committee:
(A-H above apply)
- Shall meet at least three times a year.
- This Committee will
- Submit a budget to the Board of
- Supervise the collection,
verification and awarding of
participants’ Log In of the hours spent
riding or driving a Saddle Mule/Donkey.
- A period of one month will be
required for verification of accrued
hours and presentation of awards.
- Execute the rules of participation
in the VTP
- To enroll in the VTP, a
participant must be a member of
NASMA and must remain an active
member for the duration of time in
which you are trying to record hours
toward a recognition level.
- Participant must pay a one-time
enrollment fee of $20 per rider.
- Participant must ride or drive a
mule/hinny/donkey. You do not have
to own the mule/hinny.
- Participant must keep an
accurate record of the time (one
hour for each hour actually spent
riding or driving) in your official
- Endurance riders may compute
their miles at 4 miles per hour (4:1
- NASMA VTP offers bonus hours to
members who log time on a national
trail, as recognized by the Canadian
or U.S. National Parks Service
(state or provincial parks are not
included.) For every hour you
spending riding or driving on a
trail in a U.S. or Canadian National
Park, you may earn double hours. In
other words, if participant spend
one hour riding or driving in a
national park, you may log two hours
for your time.
- Participants may record time for
any activity other than showing in
which you participate in leisure
riding or driving on the trail or
participation in endurance and/or
competitive trials.
- NASMA VTP will recognize your
riding or driving participation.
Achievements will then be recognized
with awards at specified hours and
Certificates. There is no time limit
during which you must achieve these
hours, however, participant must
maintain membership in NASMA.
- Provide a Certificate of
Participation to participants upon
completion of the Levels of Achievement
for the following
- 50 hours
- 100 hours
- 250 hours
- 500 hours
- 750 hours
- 1000 hours
- 1,250 hours
- 1,500 hours
- 1,750 hours
- 2,000 hours
- 5,000 hours
- Determine additional recognition in
addition to the Certificate if so
- Chairman will submit names of
participant s and achievements to NASMA for
publication on the NASMA website, NASMA
Official Facebook presence and any other
radio, TV or magazine media deemed
SOP - Youth Committee:
above apply)
Shall meet at
least three times a year.
- This Committee will
- Receive, review and approve applicants for NASMA Youth
Association and
- Implement the development of By-laws for NASMA Youth as the
governing body of youth activities in NASMA and
- Create events advancing the ideals of NASMA including good
mulemanship, donkeymanship, and good sportsmanship in
competition, trail riding and family activities.
SOP The World Show Committee
(A-H above apply)
- Shall meet at least three times a year.
- The order of business of any meeting of this Association or
its various bodies shall be:
- Call to order
- Roll call of voting members
- Ascertainment of quorum
- Reading of the minutes of previous meeting & approved
- Report of the Secretary-Treasurer
- Report of Special Committees
- Reading of communications
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
- suggest the calendar for annual World Show;
- submit a budget to the Board of Directors;
- will obtain Board Approval for expenditures and planning of
the World Show;
- Preside over the subcommittees, planning, advertising and
implementation for the World Show.
- Chairman
- Enlist Subcommittee Chairmen
- Schedule and preside over meetings for Subcommittee
- Oversee work of Subcommittees
- Approve expenditures of Subcommittees based on proposed
- Coordinate Subcommittees suggestions, timelines, etc.
- Secure Show Secretary
- Provide Board of Directors with a full financial report of
expenses and profits at the close of the World Show.
- Subcommittees which report directly to the World Show
Chairman, must include but are not limited to:
- Location Subcommittee
- Provide World Show Chairman with details and budget
- Site
- Stalls
- Accommodations
- Hotels
- Camping
- Parking
- Will provide a full financial statement containing as
detailed account of all fees collected and monies paid out to
the World Show Chairman.
- Sponsors Subcommittee
- Levels of Sponsorship
- Contact and secure sponsors
- Provide sponsor information for advertising
- Plan recognition for sponsors at the World Show
- Provide written and web site appreciation for sponsors
after the World Show.
- Will provide a full financial statement containing as
detailed account of all fees collected and monies paid out to
the World Show Chairman.
- Judges Subcommittee
- Provide World Show Chairman with details and budget
- Work with Judge’s Committee on recommendations for judges
for World Show;
- Contact and provide contracts for hiring NASMA judges for
the World Show
- Make arrangements for judges according to contract
- Accommodations
- Transportation
- Hospitality room at the World Show
- Provide written and web site appreciation for Judges after
the World Show.
- Will provide a full financial statement containing as
detailed account of all fees collected and monies paid out to
the World Show Chairman.
- Exhibitor Hospitality Subcommittee
- Provide World Show Chairman with details and budget
- Make arrangements for exhibitor party
- Secure and provide information about local business,
restaurants and services.
- Will provide a full financial statement containing as
detailed account of all fees collected and monies paid out to
the World Show Chairman.
- Class Scheduling Subcommittee
- Establish class schedule for World Show
- Provide information to Show Secretary
- Acquire necessary equipment for and/or committees to
- Trail
- Coon Jump
- English jumping
- Driving
- Cattle
- Ranch Riding
- Dressage
- Gymkhana
- Other
- Will provide a full financial statement containing as
detailed account of all fees collected and monies paid out to
the World Show Chairman.
- Advertising Subcommittee
- Provide World Show Chairman with details and budget
- Provide pre-event advertising for the World Show for
publications, web site and local news agencies.
- Provide, if possible, web results and/or web coverage
during the show
- Contact local news agencies to encourage local coverage
- Provide post-event information for publications, web site
and local news agencies.
- Will provide a full financial statement containing as
detailed account of all fees collected and monies paid out to
the World Show Chairman.
- Awards Subcommittee
- Establish award levels and divisions
- Provide World Show Chairman with details and budget for
- Provide award information for advertising prior to the
- Plan recognition for award donors at the World Show
- Provide written and web site appreciation for award donors
after the World Show.
- Will provide a full financial statement containing as
detailed account of all fees collected and monies paid out to
the World Show Chairman.
- Show Secretary
- Will be hired and sign a contract provided by the Chairman
of the World Show.
- Will provide computerized program for managing World Show
entries, fees paid and monies paid out.
- Will design forms and receive entries for World Show
- Only accept entries with NASMA ID numbers for NASMA
World Show classes.
- Only accept entries with NASMA Amateur ID numbers for
Amateur classes.
- Only accept entries with NASMA Youth ID numbers for
Youth classes.
- Will assign entry numbers
- Will assign stalls
- Will operate and staff a Show Office at the World Show
which will
- Answer exhibitor questions
- Collect any delinquent fees
- Provide exhibitor packets
- Open stalls
- Provide patterns for various classes
- Will compute pay backs and provide checks for exhibitors
within four hours of the close of the last class of the
World Show.
- Will provide a full financial statement containing as
detailed account of all fees collected and monies paid out to
the World Show Chairman.
ELECTIONS Accomplished through the management of the National
Nominating Committee |
SOP - Board of Directors
- National Directors Nominating Committee shall provide
nomination forms to members.
- The Committee shall accept nominations from the membership
until February 15 of the election year and check each nomination
- To be eligible, each individual nominated shall be
- a bona fide resident of his representative zone,
- a current NASMA member in good standing for one year, and
- Nominated to the Committee by five constituents from his
- There may be only one director/alternate elected per
- The Nominating Committee shall prepare a ballot for each
representative zone using qualified recommendations of the
Regional Clubs, its own nominations and individual nominations
accompanied by the appropriate five member's signatures.
- The Committee will determine election procedures to be
followed and design a ballot explaining those procedures for
members to participate in the election.
- Ballots must provide a deadline date
- Ballots may be returned to an independent party for
- Ballots must explain how many vacancies to be filled are in
each zone
- Ballots must explain cause for disqualification of returned
- After February 15 of the elections year, the national
Directors Nominating Committee shall mail the ballot of each
Representative Area to all of the members of such Representative
- The Nominating Committee will
- Receive ballots according to election procedures;
- Tabulate the votes according to the nominees receiving the
highest number of votes on the ballot will be named Director(s).
The individual receiving the next highest number of votes will
be named Alternate.
- Results of elections shall be announced no later than thirty
(30) days after election.
SOP - Executive Committee:
- The National Nominating Committee shall, after the election of
the Directors but before May 1st, announce their recommendations
for National Officers and the Executive Committee 30 days prior to
the Annual Meeting after establishing eligibility of the nominees.
- All nominees must be members of the Board of Directors
- No officer or member of the Executive Committee has served
on the Executive Board in excess of five consecutive years.
- President Elect nominee comes from the previous year’s
Executive Committee.
- The National Nominating Committee will present its slate for
National Officers and the Executive Committee at the Annual Board
of Directors Meeting for approval by majority vote of a quorum is
SOP - By-Law Amendments
- The President Elect shall be the Chair of the By Law Committee
responsible for amending the By Laws of the Association.
- To be eligible for consideration by the Board of Directors, a
proposed amendment to NASMA by-laws shall be filed in writing in
the office of the President Elect at least 60 days prior to the
meeting of the Board of Directors at which time the proposed
amendment is to be considered.
- The By Laws Committee will
- Review the proposed amendment and its justification
- Determine if the proposed amendment is legal and does not
conflict with any other sections of the By Laws.
- Rewrite the amendment in the proper wording without changing
the intent of the submitter.
- The President Elect shall promptly send the proposed draft to
each individual eligible to vote (Directors and Directors at
Large) at a meeting of Directors.
- The President Elect will present the proposed amendment at the
next Board of Directors Meeting for approval by majority vote of a
quorum is present.
SOP - Recall
- One or more Directors file of an affidavit with the Executive
Secretary stating the name of the Director or officer sought to be
- Petition forms shall be provided to any Director requesting
same following the filing of an affidavit by one or more Directors
with the Executive Secretary stating the name of the Director or
officer sought to be removed.
- A recall petition(s) demanding the removal any officer shall
be submitted to the Executive Secretary of the Association.
- Such recall petition(s) shall be signed by at least
twenty-five percent (25%) of the current members of the Board of
- The Executive Secretary shall record the name of the director
to whom petition forms were issued, the date of such issuance and
the number of forms issued, certifying on each form the date and
the name of the director to whom it was issued.
- All forms comprising a recall petition shall be
- Assembled and filled with the Executive Secretary within
forty-five (45) days of the affidavit filing required in Section
2, above.
- The signature of the petitioners shall be properly
- In the event that the required number of properly verified
signatures to said recall petition are not received by the
Executive Secretary within forty-five (45) days of the affidavit
filing required in Section 2, above, the Executive Secretary shall
notify those directors having filed petitions that the recall
petition was insufficient and that said insufficiency does not
prejudice the filing of a new affidavit for the same purpose.
- Not more than five (5) days following determination by the
Executive Secretary that the petition(s) received are
insufficient, he/she shall notify in writing the officer whose
removal is sought by such action.
- This notice shall be delivered in hand
- Or shall be delivered by certified mail.
- If said officer does not render his resignation within seven
(7) days of receipt of such notice,
- The Executive Secretary shall within fifteen (15) days of
the aforesaid determination, direct and conduct an election by
mail ballot of the Directors of the Association.
- The aforesaid ballots shall conform to the following
- With respect to each person whose removal is sought, the
question shall be submitted, "Shall ___________________ be
removed from the office of _____________ by recall?"
- Immediately following each such question shall be printed
in the ballot the two (2) propositions in the order set forth:
- For the recall of (name of person) and
- Against the recall of (name of person).
- Immediately to the left of the proposition shall be
placed a square in which the Director by making a cross mark
(X), may vote for either such propositions.
- Said balloting must be completed and returned to the
Executive Secretary no less than fifteen (15) days after
direction of same.
- Should a majority of votes cast at a recall election be
against the removal of the officer named on the ballot,
- Such officer shall continue in office for the remainder of
his term, subject to recall as before.
- However, no recall petition shall be filed against an
officer within ninety (90) days after such recall petition has
failed to remove him/her.
- If a majority of the votes cast at a recall election be for
the removal, he/she shall be deemed removed from office