North American Flags North American Saddle Mule Association

11/13/2008 - 11/15/2008
Judging:  Gene Carr, SD Jackie Starnes, SC Class A

Mule/Donkey Name Exhibitor Name #


Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 1 Judge 2
3. Open Mule 3 & Older Mollies Over 588 
1. D.L.’s Trying My Patience (Grand) DL Sears   1 2 10 6
3. Fancy’s My Name Lori Montgomery   5 1 0 9
6. JW’s Electric Zap Jason Crist   7 3 0 3
4. Open Mule 3 & Older Johns Over 587 
1. Arc’o Fancy Doc Reynolds (Reserve) Hunter Marie Gramman   1 2 9.5 9.5
2. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie (Grand) Dale Ann Gramman   3 1 3 10
3. Clyde’s Brass Ring Jason Crist   2 3 6 3
9. Open Donkey Standard & Mammoth Jacks & Geldings 3 
1. Mule Creek Drifter (Grand) Shon Hines   1 2 4 3.5
12. Youth Mule Halter5 
1. Arc’o Fancy Doc Reynolds Hunter Marie Gramman   1 1 6 6
2. Colonel’s Strawberry Kyler Niekamp   2 2 3 3
13. Amateur Mule Halter7 
1. Forever Ebony Marie Lloyd   1 2 9 6
2. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie Dale Ann Gramman   2 1 6 9
5. Nothin’ To Lose Kaylee Kinder   3 6 3 0
14. Youth Mule Showmanship5 
1. Arc’o Fancy Doc Reynolds Hunter Marie Gramman   1 1 6 6
2. Boomin’ Barnyard Barney Abbey O’Donnell   2 2 3 3
15. Amateur Mule Showmanship6 
1. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie Dale Ann Gramman   1 1 6 6
2. WC He’s A Playboy Amy McLean   2 2 3 3
20. Senior Mule Pleasure Driving2 
1. Fancy’s My Name Lori Montgomery   1 1 1.5 1.5
21. Youth Mule Hunter Under Saddle4 
1. Arc’o Fancy Doc Reynolds Hunter Marie Gramman   1 1 6 6
2. Boomin’ Barnyard Barney Abbey O’Donnell   2 2 3 3
22. Amateur Mule Hunter Under Saddle6 
1. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie Dale Ann Gramman   1 1 6 6
2. WC He’s A Playboy Amy McLean   2 2 3 3
23. Junior Mule Hunter Under Saddle6 
1. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie Dale Ann Gramman   2 1 3 6
2. Big Bruce Lori Montgomery   1 2 6 3
24. Senior Mule Hunter Under Saddle7 
1. Fancy’s My Name Lori Montgomery   2 1 6 9
2. WC He’s A Playboy Amy McLean   1 3 9 3
3. RHF Big Mike Kristin Wiseman   3 2 3 6
26. Youth Mule Mulemanship5 
1. Arc’o Fancy Doc Reynolds Hunter Marie Gramman   1 1 6 6
2. Boomin’ Barnyard Barney Abbey O’Donnell   2 3 3 0
3. Shooter Matt Fraley   3 2 0 3
27. Amateur Mule Mulemanship5 
1. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie Dale Ann Gramman   1 2 6 3
2. WC He’s A Playboy Amy McLean   2 1 3 6
28. Training Level Donkey Donkeymanship2 
2. Braymoores Falcon Meredith Krause   2 1 0 1.5
30. Youth Mule Trail5 
1. Arc’o Fancy Doc Reynolds Hunter Marie Gramman   1 1 6 6
2. Boomin’ Barnyard Barney Abbey O’Donnell   3 2 0 3
3. Shooter Matt Fraley   2 3 3 0
31. Junior Mule Trail4 
1. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie Dale Ann Gramman   2 1 3 6
2. Big Bruce Joe Gillespie   1 2 6 3
32. Amateur Mule Trail4 
1. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie Dale Ann Gramman   1 1 6 6
2. WC He’s A Playboy Amy McLean   2 2 3 3
33. Senior Mule Trail7 
1. Fancy’s My Name Lori Montgomery   1 1 9 9
2. Arc’o Fancy Doc Reynolds Hunter Marie Gramman   4 2 0 6
3. Willie Lori Montgomery   2 4 6 0
4. WC He’s A Playboy Amy McLean   3 5 3 0
5. D.L.’s Trying My Patience DL Sears   5 3 0 3
35. Open Mule Pole Bending4 
1. JW’s Electric Zap Matt Fraley   1 1 6 6
36. Youth Mule Barrel Racing4 
2. JW’s Electric Zap Matt Fraley   2 2 3 3
37. Open Mule Barrel Racing4 
1. JW’s Electric Zap Jason Crist   1 1 6 6
39. Open Mule Keyhole3 
1. JW’s Electric Zap Matt Fraley   1 1 3 3
40. Open Mule Men’s Gaited Pleasure - English Or Western9 
1. The Attorney Gayle Watson   3 1 3 9
2. Little Miss Millie Larry Ware   1 4 9 0
41. Training Level Donkey Western Pleasure3 
1. Braymoores Falcon Meredith Krause   1 1 3 3
42. Youth Mule Western Pleasure6 
1. Arc’o Fancy Doc Reynolds Hunter Marie Gramman   1 2 6 3
2. Boomin’ Barnyard Barney Abbey O’Donnell   2 1 3 6
43. Open Mule Ladies Gaited Pleasure - English Or Western7 
1. Emily’s Diamond Daisy Emily Burton   1 2 9 6
2. Little Miss Millie Lore Ware   2 3 6 3
44. Amateur Mule Western Pleasure8 
1. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie Dale Ann Gramman   1 1 9 9
2. WC He’s A Playboy Amy McLean   2 3 6 3
4. TNT Budweiser Tricia Ober   4 2 0 6
4. Arc’o’s Mr San Man Julee Smith   3 5 3 0
45. Youth Mule Western Gaited Trail Pleasure, Flat Shod4 
1. Emily’s Diamond Daisy Emily Burton   1 1 6 6
46. Open Mule Western Gaited Trail Pleasure10 
1. The Attorney Gayle Watson   1 1 12 12
3. Little Miss Millie   3 4 6 3
48. Junior Mule Western Pleasure7 
1. Big Bruce Joe Gillespie   2 1 6 9
1. Colonel’s Strawberry Keri Niekamp   1 3 9 3
3. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie Dale Ann Gramman   3 2 3 6
49. Open Mule Coon Jump2 
1. JW’s Electric Zap Jason Crist   1 1 1.5 1.5
50. Senior Mule Western Pleasure8 
1. Fancy’s My Name Lori Montgomery   1 1 9 9
2. Arc’o Fancy Doc Reynolds Hunter Marie Gramman   2 2 6 6
3. Arc’o’s Mr San Man Roger Smith   4 3 0 3
3. WC He’s A Playboy Amy McLean   3 5 3 0
51. Open Mule 4 & Under Walking - English Attire7 
2. Little Miss Millie Lore Ware   2 4 6 0
52. Open Mule Western Pleasure Stakes10 
1. Fancy’s My Name Lori   1 1 12 12
2. Colonel’s Strawberry Keri Niekamp   2 2 9 9
3. Arc’o’s Mr San Man Roger Smith   3 5 6 0
4. Arc’o Fancy Doc Reynolds Hunter Marie Gramman   4 4 3 3
5. Banjo’s BootScootnBoogie Dale Ann Gramman   5 3 0 6
53. Open Mule 5 & Over Walking - English Attire6 
1. Little Miss Millie Larry Ware   1 3 6 0

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